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Community updates module: dismiss module
Open, Needs TriagePublic


User story & summary:

As a new editor visiting my Newcomer homepage, I want to dismiss the community updates notice, because I've read it and decided it's not relevant to me.

Parent task: T360485: [EPIC] Newcomer homepage: Community updates module (FY23/24 WE1.3 / FY24/25 SDS2.1.3)


Community Updates: Figma designs for Homepage module.

Community Updates: Figma designs for the configuration form.

NOTE: Figma designs show the end state of the MVP release. This task only covers adding a x to dismiss the module, the "undo" option, and the associated logic.

v.2 CX banner (5).png (183×330 px, 12 KB)

Message (1).png (54×328 px, 2 KB)

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I'm viewing Special:Homepage,
When the Community Updates module is displayed,
Then I'm able to discuss the module and that preference is preserved until a new Community Update is added

  • This will follow the logic of a temporary undo.
  • By clicking on the Close icon the user will get a message that informs the banner was dismissed with an option to Undo that action (for example if they dismissed it by accident).
  • This message will be dismissible only manually (not automatically), so that the action does not expire.
  • After the banner is effectively dismissed, we will only show the module again when it is about another event/initiative. The action is to dismiss the specific banner, but not the module in itself.

Event Timeline

KStoller-WMF renamed this task from Community updates module: dismissing module to Community updates module: dismiss module.Fri, May 24, 11:25 PM