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Intermittent Audio Skipping and Progress Bar Issues on Score Playback
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We received this on the Android support email:

"The skip seems more intermittent than the early stop. At first I couldn't reproduce this skip on either device, but then it happened on the Samsung tablet. After I turned on the screen recording, the first score on now played fine, but i was able to capture the second one ("The chromatic scale, ascending") skipping, and I've attached a screen recording (mediawiki_score_audio_glitch.mp4) of the skip.
It seems that when score playback has these glitches, the dark progress bar in the media controls doesn't extend to the end. I can drag the circular playback "head" and it will jump to the end so the whole progress bar is dark, but playback will still skip or stop early. And then in the middle of fiddling with the page the playback will fix itself."

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Anthony's comment:
I was able to reproduce that issue on Android. It is happening about 50% of the time when I play that clip. I also noticed that I often cannot play it again after the first playback. I tried it on iOS as well and did not see those issues.

This is the only report we got, alongside with Anthony's comment when he tried to re-produce it.

Dbrant subscribed.

There was indeed a very sneaky issue that affected playback of some specific types of audio files. Solution incoming.