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Generate & store invitation list when the form is submitted
Open, Needs TriagePublic3 Estimated Story Points


As an event organizer, I want the invitation list to be generated and stored when I submit information into the form, so that it can identify audiences who may be good candidates to invite to my event.

Background: This ticket is one of three tickets that are a part of one stream of work. The first ticket is making the model triggerable by UI (T365628), the 2nd one is database access code (T366633), and the third one is the code to trigger the job and store the result using the previous tickets (which is this ticket). Note that the UI of the organizer inputting the information to generate the invitation list is handled by T356679, while the UI for handling the invitation list results is handled by T364804. The pending state after the request has been issued will be handled in T364802.

Testing notes: This will be testable either by querying the DB or going to SpecialInvitationList, depending on whether the SpecialInvitationList page is implemented in time.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given that a user has submitted a valid invitation list name and worklist on Special:GenerateInvitationList,
    • Then an invitation list should be generated
      • And the invitation list should be stored in the DB