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Surfacing Structured Tasks: Design Brief
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This task tracks the writing of a design brief for the first Growth team Annual plan priority in 2024/2025.

Project details:

Design brief document:

The document will define the goals, target audience, core user job stories, and outline the research and exploration tasks involved in the design of the surfacing existing structured tasks in new ways.

Project Goal:
Increase constructive activation in the main namespace on mobile devices.

Project Hypothesis:
If we conduct user tests on two or more design prototypes introducing Structured Tasks to newcomers within/proximate to the Visual Editor, then we can quickly learn which designs will work best for new editors, while also enabling engineers to assess technical feasibility and estimate effort for each approach.

Design brief summary

Build new mobile-friendly, task-based editing workflows to improve the experience of new Wikipedia volunteers.

Rationale (Why are we doing this)
  • The editing experience is too complex and demands a lot of context and patience.
  • Editing consists of a process of trial and error — leading to many edits by newcomers getting reverted.
  • Newcomers struggle with noticing, understanding, and applying the policies that shape Wikipedia.
  • Ultimate goal:
    • Create a welcoming and supportive editing environment that empowers new Wikipedia volunteers to contribute confidently and meaningfully
  • Short-term goals:
    • Make Structured tasks more widely available and not only accessed through the Newcomer homepage
    • Collaboration with the Editing team to surface more Edit Checks and Structured tasks, and develop a UI framework that helps us release these workflows faster.

Key Metrics (How do we know we’ve been successful?)
  • Constructive activation in the main namespace increases.
  • Constructive activation on mobile devices increases.
  • A pattern is created for the UI of Structured tasks <> Edit Check so they can be built faster.

Guardrail Metrics (What DON'T we want to do)
  • Simplify the editing workflow to the point where it compromises the quality or depth of contributions.
  • Alter the core editing tools and functionalities that experienced editors rely on.
  • Change the broader community policies or editorial processes beyond facilitating better entry points for newcomers.
  • Restrict newcomers in a way that prevents them from progressing beyond Structured Tasks, as this could decrease the number of editors advancing to more complex editing, moderation, and community involvement.
User Stories
As a newcomer who wants to get involved but doesn’t know how to get started...
When Istart editing Wikipedia articles,
I want toreceive in-the-moment guidance and support,
so thatensure my contributions are constructive and not reverted.
As a mobile user wanting easier edits on the go...
When Iam using the internet on my mobile device,
I want tobe able to contribute with one hand on a smaller device,
so thatI can contribute whilst doing other things on the go (riding public transport, listening to music, etc).
As a mobile user and a new volunteer...
When Iam a new Wikipedia editor using a mobile device,
I want tohave access to small, structured tasks,
so thatlearn and contribute effectively without feeling overwhelmed by complex editing processes.
Related research and projects to explore

Event Timeline

KStoller-WMF moved this task from Inbox to Up Next on the Growth-Team board.

Hi @KStoller-WMF - curious if this task should be revised to be more in line with the emphasis on design explorations of where to surface structured tasks outside of the homepage as per T368188 - or is the intention for this to be about the new task? Or something else?

Hi @KStoller-WMF - curious if this task should be revised to be more in line with the emphasis on design explorations of where to surface structured tasks outside of the homepage as per T368188 - or is the intention for this to be about the new task? Or something else?

Sorry, that previous description was confusing (I think there was some text from a previous Design Brief task I copied as a template).

This task is only focused on where to surface structured tasks outside of the homepage, as is the follow up task: T368188: Surfacing Structured Tasks: Early Design Exploration.

JFernandez-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)