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Surfacing Structured Tasks: Early Design Exploration
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User Story:

As a new Wikipedia account holder on mobile, I want editing workflows that are broken into a series of easy steps, so that I can successfully contribute.

As a new Wikipedia account holder on mobile, I want editing support that is surfaced in the moment that I need it, so that I can successfully contribute.

This task is essentially about brainstorming a list of moments in which we might want to surface structured tasks to newcomers. We should consider various moments and logic for surfacing structured tasks. For example:

  • Pre-edit moment (example: when a logged out reader on mobile navigates into Visual Editor)
  • Pre-edit moment (example: when a new account holder on mobile navigates into VE but doesn't tap into the text area after 10 seconds)
  • Mid-edit moment (example: alongside Edit Check)
  • Post-edit moment (example: post-edit dialog style suggestion)

As part of the Growth team 2024/2025 Annual Plan, the Growth team will explore various ways to increase constructive activation on mobile. This project page documents Growth team experimentation related to the Wikimedia Foundation 2024-2025 Annual Plan, specifically the Wiki Experiences 1.2 Key Result.


Current full-page editing experiences require too much context, patience, and trial and error for many newcomers to contribute constructively. To support a new generation of volunteers, we will increase the number and availability of smaller, structured, and more task-specific editing workflows (E.g. Edit Check and Structured Tasks). The Growth team will primarily focus on Structured Tasks, while working closely with the Editing team to ensure our work integrates well with Edit Check.

This project aims to address the following user problem: Getting started editing on Wikipedia is difficult and especially frustrating on mobile devices. I want the editing interface to provide the in-the-moment policy and technical guidance I need, so my initial efforts aren't reverted.

This project aims to achieve the following user outcome: As a new Wikipedia volunteer, I feel confident and enthusiastic about contributing to the Wikimedia movement by editing Wikipedia articles. The tools provided guide me step-by-step, limit distractions, and allow me to learn progressively so I can successfully contribute on my mobile device.

Growth team hypothesis

Wiki Experiences 1.2.3:
If we conduct user tests on two or more design prototypes introducing Structured Tasks to newcomers within/proximate to the Visual Editor, then we can quickly learn which designs will work best for new editors, while also enabling engineers to assess technical feasibility and estimate effort for each approach.

Guiding KPI

Constructive activation: Increase in the percentage of newcomers who publish ≥1 constructive edit in the main namespace on a mobile device.

Acceptance Criteria
  • Meet or ask for async feedback from stakeholders who might have new ideas to consider (I suggest @RHo, @nayoub, @ppelberg, @HNordeenWMF, as well as asking Growth-Team members.)
  • Create an initial list of ideas, along with initial notes on any clear pros & cons
  • Designs aren't needed to consider this task complete, but I suggest adding a mobile screenshot of the view / screen considered to help illustrate ideas. (Or low-fidelity designs are also OK)