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Allow users to search for wishes by name
Open, Needs TriagePublic


When we start to aggregate a lot of wishes, users may find that the sort options are limiting, and may seek to search by wish.

User Story:
As a user viewing the wishlist, when I want to find a specific wish, then I should be able to see a search box and type in the search results

Acceptance criteria:

  • Users should be able to search for wishes, effectively filtering the table
  • Search should be on wish title only.
  • Ideally users would be able to search for a term even if the term is not the first character or word in a wish title "quickly add infobox "
  • When a user begins a search and doesn't see any data, the table should show "no results"

Note: We should leverage existing search capabilities, and not introduce new searching patterns or logic

Benefits (why should this be implemented?):

Details for QA:


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Add search box above Wishes tablerepos/commtech/wishlist-intake!92samwilsonwish-searchboxmain
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

KSiebert renamed this task from allow users to seach for wishes by name to Allow users to search for wishes by name.Mon, Jun 17, 1:38 PM
KSiebert updated the task description. (Show Details)

@JWheeler-WMF We could potentially remove this from the MVP as Control+F would make it quick to search by name? Up to you.

We can add an InputBox search field, that'll send people to the normal search results (limited to Community Wishlist/Wishes/ prefix). That wouldn't live-filter the table, but would be simple to implement and might do as a short-term workaround for now.