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TestWikibaseMakeClaim.test_WbTabularData_edit() of wikibase_edit_tests fails with ValueError
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________________ TestWikibaseMakeClaim.test_WbTabularData_edit _________________

self = <tests.wikibase_edit_tests.TestWikibaseMakeClaim testMethod=test_WbTabularData_edit>

    def test_WbTabularData_edit(self):
        """Attempt adding a tabular-data with valid input."""
        # Clean the slate in preparation for test.
        testsite = self.get_repo()
        item = self._clean_item(testsite, 'P30175')
        # set new claim
        claim =
            testsite, 'P30175', datatype='tabular-data')
        commons_site = pywikibot.Site('commons')
        page = pywikibot.Page(commons_site, ' by')
>       target = pywikibot.WbGeoShape(page)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
pywikibot/ in __init__
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

page = Page(' by')
data_site = DataSite("commons", "commons"), ending = '.map', label = 'geo-shape'

    def _validate(page: pywikibot.Page, data_site: BaseSite, ending: str,
                  label: str) -> None:
        Validate the provided page against general and type specific rules.
        :param page: Page containing the data.
        :param data_site: The site serving as a repository for the given
            data type.
        :param ending: Required filetype-like ending in page titles.
            E.g. '.map'
        :param label: Label describing the data type in error messages.
        if not isinstance(page, pywikibot.Page):
            raise ValueError(f'Page {page} must be a pywikibot.Page object '
                             f'not a {type(page)}.')
        # validate page exists
        if not page.exists():
            raise ValueError(f'Page {page} must exist.')
        # validate page is on the right site, and that site supports the type
        if not data_site:
            raise ValueError(
                f'The provided site does not support {label}.')
        if != data_site:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Page must be on the {label} repository site.')
        # validate page title fulfills hard-coded Wikibase requirement
        # pcre regexp: '/^Data:[^\\[\\]#\\\:{|}]+\.map$/u' for geo-shape
        # pcre regexp: '/^Data:[^\\[\\]#\\\:{|}]+\.tab$/u' for tabular-data
        # As we have already checked for existence the following simplified
        # check should be enough.
        if not page.title().startswith('Data:') \
           or not page.title().endswith(ending):
            raise ValueError(
                "Page must be in 'Data:' namespace and end in '{}' "
>               'for {}.'.format(ending, label))
E           ValueError: Page must be in 'Data:' namespace and end in '.map' for geo-shape.

pywikibot/ ValueError