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Enable new heading markup on Vector 2022
Open, HighPublic


NOTE: Planned deploy is week of ???


After T365736, Vector 2022 is the only remaining skin to update. As expected there were a few gadget breakages which should be fixed now. Once we are confident these have been addressed, we can finish the roll out.

User story

As a reader I want to benefit from more accessible heading markup.


  • Vector 2022 should get the new heading markup.
  • Logstash is monitored preceding the deploy
  • we address any problems with gadgets relating to this change.

QA steps

  1. Desktop (Vector 2022)
  2. Check the table of contents works and that headings correspond to the titles
  3. Check there are no visual problems with the heading e.g. misaligned icons/unexpected icons in strange places

Rollback plan

For severe breakages revert the patch
Hopefully this has been mitigated by the staged rollout and won't be a problem.

Sign off steps

  • Review any open tasks and follow up work with Bartosz
  • Make sure there is a removal/deprecation ticket for supportsHeading in some future MediaWiki release.

This task was created by Version 1.0.0 of the Web team task template using phabulous