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Add icons to UploadWizard description page
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Add icons to the field layout headers on the description page of the UploadWizard. This allows to easier distinguish the separate segments of this page. The selection of the icons is inspired by Extension:MediaSearch.

Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 16-52-41 Upload Wizard - simon04.png (1×945 px, 180 KB)

Event Timeline

Change #1048877 had a related patch set uploaded (by Simon04; author: Simon04):

[mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard@master] Add icons to UploadWizard description page

Hi @simon04, I am the designer who was working on this page. Thanks for your proposal here. We were reviewing this today and here are some thoughts.
We have been following these guidelines for the field component which does not include having an icon in front of a label. Some icons can also appear to be buttons/clickable which can be confusing. And it would also be hard to find an appropriate icon for each field for e.g. plus icon does not associate well with title. It also makes the screen look more visually dense. So for all these reasons I recommend we do not add the icons here. But I would also like to understand what inspired the idea of adding icons and see if we can find a different solution for the problem.

Actually, I was wrong there is an example of icon in front of label in the guidelines but we still feel it may not be the right approach due to other reasons listed. Let us know what you think.

Let us know what you think.

Hi, thank you for taking time to explain your thoughts.

I like actually like the icons and the resulting design. The icons are like bullet points. They structure the list of sub-headers, labels, explanation texts, inputs, selects, buttons on this page. I think they make clearer what pieces of information a user should provide.