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Add a Link for Spanish Wikipedia: populate list of section names that should be excluded
Closed, ResolvedPublic


User story & summary:

As a new editor on Spanish Wikipedia, I want to "Add a Link" Suggested Tasks to only suggest links in relevant sections, because I don't yet understand editing policies and guidelines and I don't want to complete an edit that might be reverted.

Background & research:

This task is important because Spanish Wikipedia doesn't yet appear to have any section names included in Community Configuration.

Acceptance Criteria:
  • run script to populate local section names that shouldn't include internal links (references, etc.)
  • add those section names to Spanish Wikipedia's GrowthSuggestedEdits Community Configuration form
  • investigate why the 'Minimum required link score' setting doesn't display

Event Timeline

KStoller-WMF moved this task from Inbox to Up Next on the Growth-Team board.

Isa suggests we exclude the following sections:
Notas, Referencias, Notas y referencias, Bibliografía, Bibliografía adicional, Enlaces externos

And we might want to exclude other sections were the tool could suggest more false positives like: Obra, Obras, Filmografía, Discografía

Thank you @Urbanecm_WMF. The autogenerated list looks good to me. Also, as we commented in our meeting, I would add the following section titles:

  • Galería
  • Galería de imágenes
  • Fase final
  • Estadísticas
  • Palmarés
  • Ránking
  • Ranking
  • Estadísticas
  • Obra
  • Obras
  • Obras destacadas
  • Obras seleccionadas
  • Filmografía
  • Filmografía destacada
  • Filmografía seleccionada
  • Películas
  • Discografía
  • Discografía destacada
  • Discografía seleccionada
  • Novelas
  • Novelas destacadas
  • Novelas seleccionadas