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Preferences settings for small image size are not being respected for Parsoid Read Views
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue:


Presumably the replication steps are:

What happens?:
The image previews at 120px but when the page is saved/published, it displays at the site's default size.

Event Timeline

cscott renamed this task from Preferences settings for small image size are not being respected at English Wikivoyage to Preferences settings for small image size are not being respected.Oct 10 2024, 2:22 PM
cscott renamed this task from Preferences settings for small image size are not being respected to Preferences settings for small image size are not being respected for Parsoid Read Views.
cscott moved this task from Needs Triage to Missing Functionality on the Parsoid board.

I can confirm it. Same on voy:de now. My personal global setting (400px) is only shown in preview but on the public page the images are 220px which seems to be the default size.