The articletopic: keyword on search is used for querying articles on a specific topic area, and the underlying model are used for recommendations in tools such as Content Translation (T113257).
When searching for art-related topics on English Wikipedia the top results include articles that does not seem the most representative/relevant articles related to art among the more than six million articles on English Wikipedia. Top results include "List of the Transformers characters", "Cosmetics", or "Brick" which seem surprising for top art-related articles. Below you can find a table with examples of results from some topic areas with screenshots and notes about the unexpected elements:
visual-arts | biography | engineering | entertainment |
Frequent unrelated topics | Non-biographies frequently included | Results dominated by planes (part of the topic, but lack of diversity in results) | Results dominated by wrestlers (part of the topic, but lack of diversity in the results) |
This is reflected on other tools such as Content Translation when users select the "Art" filter in the suggestions:
My suspicion is that the general article popularity takes precedence over topic alignment frequently. But this is just based on intuition, and it is not clear to me if there may be any parameters in the system that could help getting a better balance.