Project Name: mediawiki-quickstart
Developer account usernames of requestors: @Mhurd @Peter @zeljkofilipin @SDunlap
Purpose: CI for mediawiki-quickstart project, which among other things uses docker-compose to bring up Mediawiki containers (much simpler to manage via VPS vs something like a DinD image). VPS will allow our CI to exercise the project's various scripts in a way that more closely mimics the way users interact with them
Brief description: mediawiki-quickstart only depends on Docker, so I'll install and keep it up to date. CI for mediawiki-quickstart itself will run on a merge-request basis, CI for various Mediawiki extensions and skins installed via mediawiki-quickstart's component installer will run on a cron schedule
How soon you are hoping this can be fulfilled: This week would be amazing if it can be squeezed in