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Failed to upload photo: Unknown warning: "exists-normalized"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: cdani

error screen

I try to upload a photo, and after the "Describe" step, when I push the button to finish, it appears this message

Unknown warning: "exists-normalized".

None of the uploads were successful.


Version: unspecified
Severity: major


error.png (665×1 px, 147 KB)



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 12:21 AM
bzimport added a project: UploadWizard.
bzimport set Reference to bz36342.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

I guess that a file with the same name already exists, hence the problem. See

However the warning could have a clearer wording.

If I had rights to edit the bug summary I would add "Unknown warning: "exists-normalized"." to it. :)

Thehelpfulonewiki wrote:

Marking as new.

It looks like the only difference between 'exists' and 'exists-normalized' is that we had to change the case of the file extension to find the existing file. We should be able to just add the different string in an or clause in an if statement and be done with it. On it now.

Actually, I wasn't able to reproduce this bug, at least not by just changing the case of the filename's various parts. Is there anythings else that's special about this filename that might be causing problems? Were there special characters in it?

I spoke too soon! This happens any time you upload a file named <something>.JPEG and <something>.jpg already exists. That's sort of a strange feature, but I suppose it makes sense on some level. Anyway, this patch surfaces the error to the user as if it were a normal 'exists' warning:


Recently, a patch to MediaWiki core [0] changed the behavior of API warnings. We now get those at the first step, even if we don't handle them necessarily.

Could you try to reproduce this bug, and let us know if it still occurs? If so, the solution would likely be very different from before this patch.



Created attachment 11003
screenshot of current situation

I got this screen now. Seems proper right ?


Screen_Shot_2012-08-25_at_10.37.07.png (176×786 px, 40 KB)

Created attachment 11005
result of exists-normalized

Correction, tested on an actual exists-normalized warning in the details step now.

I had a 'Hav you seen.PNG' and tried to upload a .png to 'Hav you seen.png' and received the following feedback.


Screen_Shot_2012-08-25_at_23.28.39.png (169×1 px, 51 KB)

This is not related to 'exists normalized' in the Upload step, which is bug 30625.

Gilles raised the priority of this task from Medium to Unbreak Now!.Dec 4 2014, 10:27 AM
Gilles moved this task from Untriaged to Done on the Multimedia board.
Gilles lowered the priority of this task from Unbreak Now! to Medium.Dec 4 2014, 11:20 AM