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Use a single log (log_type) for any Education Program log_action
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Out of 26 (!) logs available on the more-cluttered-than-ever, 6 (!!) are from Education Program: makes no sense.

<option value="campus">Education Program Campus Ambassador log</option>
<option value="online">Education Program Online Ambassador log</option>
<option value="course">Education Program course log</option>
<option value="institution">Education Program institution log</option>
<option value="instructor">Education Program instructor log</option>
<option value="student">Education Program student log</option>

Please convert them to a single log_type with different log_actions.

Even though everything is logged, they're still basically empty logs.
I'm filing this bug as payback for closing bug 18836, where people were unsatisfied about having 18 logs... imagine now.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 1:20 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz45755.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Sigh, there's now a seventh log (eparticle), but it isn't even added to $wgLogTypes hence T50495.

This should have used a single log_type with different log_actions from the start, since all of them are low-activity. (And add/remove should have been log_params, not log_actions.) Further filtering isn't really needed.

The old entries should still appear in the new log though, so something like T121177 is required.

In fact, we don't have to use different log_actions, we can group them in a new log type using T121177, remove the old log types from $wgLogTypes, and they'll still be correctly formatted.

In fact, we don't have to use different log_actions, we can group them in a new log type using T121177, remove the old log types from $wgLogTypes, and they'll still be correctly formatted.

Sounds neat, but can that be done after resolving this task, in a followup, or are they mutually exclusive?

In fact, we don't have to use different log_actions, we can group them in a new log type using T121177, remove the old log types from $wgLogTypes, and they'll still be correctly formatted.

Sounds neat, but can that be done after resolving this task, in a followup, or are they mutually exclusive?

They aren't mutually exclusive per se. But having taken a look at EducationProgram code, it looks like it would be difficult to use a single log_type for all EP logs. Especially if we want backward compatibility and still be able to filter the logs.

Hence in T121177, I've suggested a way to regroup different log_types. This could also apply to other groups of logs, such as global logs that have almost no activity outside meta.

Reedy subscribed.

Extension is being removed and archived.