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Fill the iw_api column of the interwiki table
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maintenance/interwiki.sql does not contain data for the iw_api column. Therefore, Interwiki::getAPI will always return null. I could write a script which populates the api endpoint data using the "EditURI" "really simple discovery" data, if we plan to implement the api column.

Since we still have a blank slate here, it might be more useful to store the script URL prefix, for example "", at least until there is an API to retrieve the other endpoints through queries to api.php.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 1:20 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz46992.

(Previous discussion was on change I89668fca.)

The column already has a defined purpose. Whether or not it's filled out by default or entries on WMF. -1 To changing the purpose.

There's also this RFC to think about. As the mid/long-term plan is to eventually replace interwiki completely:

Agreed with Daniel. Can't we just implement the column with its defined purpose? What would need to be done for this?

To finish implementing ::getAPI, we just have to populate the iw_api column and add the data to maintenance/interwiki.sql. I'll go ahead and write a script to do that!

I'm definitely not suggesting we reuse the iw_api column and fill it with incorrect stuff :p, so I'm tabling the second idea I brought up in order to reduce confusion.

interwiki.sql/list needs to be overhauled, see bug 58369 and others.

This seems like a MediaWiki issue, so I'm moving it accordingly. Fixing this on the WMF cluster would be a separate bug, requiring modification of the format of [[m:Interwiki map]] among other things.

Change 161034 had a related patch set uploaded by Alex Monk:
Fill the iw_api column of the interwiki table when installing

Change 161034 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fill the iw_api column of the interwiki table when installing

Umherirrender subscribed.

Will be part of the MediaWiki 1.25 release for new installations under that release (not updating).

This also does not affect wmf wikis, because there are using an own cdb cache. That needs a own task when changing that.