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Migrate hume cron jobs to terbium
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We need to make sure that all of the cronjobs that run on hume can and do run successfully on terbium.

Version: wmf-deployment
Severity: normal
Whiteboard: deploysprint-13



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 1:25 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz47060.

From Peter Youngmeister:

You can enable any of the crons that are currently on hume on terbium with a
flag in site.pp (or more accurately, by removing enabled => false as the crons
are all set up to run from the primary DC by default). Also make sure to disable >them on hume by removing enabled => true.

I'm changing the title of this bug from an "audit" task to actually doing the change.

Tor proxy code merged and pushed to cluster.

Config can be probably just be merged now.

Geodata path fixed.

For update_special_pages we need a new location for the norotate logs to go

update_flaggedrevs_stats - Confusing comment about, file is in puppet

refreshlinks !?

(In reply to comment #2)

For update_special_pages we need a new location for the norotate logs to go

update_flaggedrevs_stats - Confusing comment about, file is in puppet

refreshlinks !?

(checking in to prioritize for next quarter)

Any movement on these last things?

Anything left that isn't on the list?

Anything left that can't be moved for technical/datacenter issues (eg: swift/tampa dependency)?

All of the misc::maintenance cron jobs were migrated a while ago. The only cron job left on hume is the ganglia metric installed by misc::monitoring::jobqueue. Moving that particular cron job would cause the metric to be renamed, so the long term data would be harder to access.

Now that bug 46428 is fixed, there's no actual problem with cron jobs running on hume.