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Add, and phpfrontforpywikibot to the main repo
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Originally from:
Reported by: valhallasw
Created on: 2013-04-13 21:11:43
Subject:, and phpfrontforpywikibot
Original description:
See and

I have been working on some additions to the pywikipediabot framework.
I'd be happy if my code could be useful to others. helps synchronizing different wikis. It goes through a bunch
of namespaces and creates an overview of pages that are different,
this is already useful for Templates and MediaWiki but especially
useful when dealing with semantic mediawiki, where a lot of the
functionality lives in namespaces such as Property, Type and Form. creates a page with a table of broken links, first
date, last date and error message.

I also wrote a little PHP frontend that lets people run a
pywikipediabot replace script \(it's for folks who can't or don't want
to use anything on a commandline\). This can probably live on its own
on github, but it might be a bit too custom at this point and I'd like
to have some comments on it.

This PHP frontend is available at
It's pretty rough still but releasing it forces me to think about the
public release when adding more functionality.

I'm not sure how to proceed with getting and in
the official repo. Shall I just put them up on github so you can take
a look? I'm looking forward to your ideas.

On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 11:10 AM, Kasper Souren <> wrote:
> I'm not sure how to proceed with getting and in
> the official repo. Shall I just put them up on github so you can take
> a look? I'm looking forward to your ideas.

Didn't hear anything back in a week so I just put stuff up here:

Still needs a bit of work to make it more generic but could
already be useful as is.

Version: compat-(1.0)
Severity: enhancement
See Also:



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 22 2014, 2:10 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz54547.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (????).

Don't need to import (exists under name of

Other scripts looks good and standard to import even though I'm not sure what they exactly can do. I suggest to move it under bots/Kasper

The scripts are compat scripts.

As Amir has said, is a rough equivalent of, but maybe there are some features which can be added is roughly like in core looks like it creates interwiki links between different families where the titles match. It is simple and effective, while '' is large and scary and may not even offer similar functionality to this '' script.

IMO Kasper should submit to the compat repository , but without the hardcoded families list 'full_mapping' of course.

Pywikibot has two versions: Compat and Core. This task was filed about the older version, called Pywikibot-compat, which is not under active development anymore. Hence I'm lowering the priority of this task to reflect the reality. Unfortunately, the Pywikibot team does not have the manpower to retest every single bug report / feature request against the (maintained) Pywikibot code base. Furthermore, the code base of Pywikibot-Compat has changed a lot compared to the code base of Pywikibot-Core so there is a chance that the problem described in this task might not exist anymore. Please help: Unfortunately manpower is limited and does not allow testing every single reported task again. If you have time and interest in Pywikibot, please upgrade to Pywikibot-Core and add a comment to this task if the problem in this task still happens in Pywikibot-Core (or directly edit the task by removing the Pywikibot-compat project and adding the Pywikibot project to this task). To learn more about Pywikibot and to get involved in its development, please check out Thank you for your understanding.

Xqt subscribed.

all scripts are already in core whereas compat isn't supported for new scripts or features. Adding plain interlanguage links of same spelling to a page might be a bad idea imho.