Originally from: http://sourceforge.net/p/pywikipediabot/feature-requests/184/
Reported by: milda
Created on: 2009-02-24 09:28:40
Subject: Allow multiple interwiki links to one language
Original description:
On Wikisource no autonomous interwiki bots are running, I'm using interwiki.py -confirm to ease of manual work, but I cannot use it if there are more than one page in one language matching to one or more pages in another language. This is typical for translations of well-known literar works, for example http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The\_Raven\_\(Poe\) or http://da.wikisource.org/wiki/Keiserens\_nye\_Kl%C3%A6der and others.
Is it possible to allow \(with new command-line parameter\) and process multiple links to the same language domain? At the same time, if more than one interwiki link on some page to one language exist, then is important to keep order of such links, because some domains use extra techniques for displaying additional information, as you can see on The Raven page \(\{\{Interwiki-info|fr1|some description\}\} refers to the first \[\[fr:foo\]\] interwiki link etc.\).
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement
See Also:
T45671: Pages with more than one interwiki only show one single link, T7531: Custom text for interlanguage links