Originally from: http://sourceforge.net/p/pywikipediabot/bugs/1386/
Reported by: bewareofdoug
Created on: 2011-12-06 22:56:55
Subject: -titleregex only searches mainspace
Original description:
Using the -titleregex parameter to a replace.py on the wikimedia commons only gets me hits in the main \(gallery\) space not in file/image space where I need it to. setting -namespace:6 does nothing and setting -prefixindex:file 'adds' mainspace content with the word file in front. The same result is obtained when attempting to look in userspace \(though I didn't try it with -namespace:\). An example is:
python replace.py -titleregex:".\*Nietzsche.\*" foooooooo bar
version.py output:
Pywikipedia \[http\] trunk/pywikipedia \(r9787, 2011/12/06, 07:41:04\)
Python 2.6.1 \(r261:67515, Jun 24 2010, 21:47:49\)
\[GCC 4.2.1 \(Apple Inc. build 5646\)\]
use\_api = True
use\_api\_login = True
unicode test: ok
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
See Also: