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copyright_put don't put some files
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Originally from:
Reported by: lusum
Created on: 2010-07-11 22:29:05
Subject: copyright_put don't put some files
Original description:
I use copyright\_put to put the results of on it.wikipedia. But sometime the script delete the results without update the page.
I attach an example file of results \( output.txt \) that don't work with the script...

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
See Also:



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Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 2:30 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz55268.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (????).

If you receive a "output.txt deleted" message, then the bug isn't in "copyright\_put" script but in the Page::put\(\) function that returns succesful instead of raising a "PageNotSaved" error. Do you get some error message from MediaWiki by manually puting the text to site? That helps to identify the cause.

In spite of this reply, please note that nowadays the copyright scripts are unmantained, thus you may experience a loss of functionality.

  • labels: 1110741 --> General
  • assigned_to: cosoleto --> nobody

Not possible to save page cause antispam filter...

It seem that pywikipedia or don't handle well spamfilter

It is confirmed, don't handle spamfilter. I try to put a page with some spam link, the bot don't recognize the problem:
i print data before this line on def \_putPage\(self, text, comment=None, watchArticle=False, minorEdit=True,
newPage=False, token=None, newToken=False, sysop=False,
captcha=None, botflag=True, maxTries=-1\):

if 'error' in data:

print data give me: \{u'edit': \{u'spamblacklist': u'', u'result': u'Failure'\}\}
that mean that this is no error in data, but result give failure

Aklapper triaged this task as Lowest priority.Jun 5 2015, 1:41 PM
Aklapper subscribed.

Pywikibot has two versions: Compat and Core. This task was filed about the older version, called Pywikibot-compat, which is not under active development anymore. Hence I'm lowering the priority of this task to reflect the reality. Unfortunately, the Pywikibot team does not have the manpower to retest every single bug report / feature request against the (maintained) Pywikibot code base. Furthermore, the code base of Pywikibot-Compat has changed a lot compared to the code base of Pywikibot-Core so there is a chance that the problem described in this task might not exist anymore. Please help: Unfortunately manpower is limited and does not allow testing every single reported task again. If you have time and interest in Pywikibot, please upgrade to Pywikibot-Core and add a comment to this task if the problem in this task still happens in Pywikibot-Core (or directly edit the task by removing the Pywikibot-compat project and adding the Pywikibot project to this task). To learn more about Pywikibot and to get involved in its development, please check out Thank you for your understanding.

Xqt removed a project:
Xqt moved this task from Unported (still maintained) to Backlog on the Pywikibot-compat board.
Xqt subscribed.

Declined due to decommission compat