At the moment, Labs instances that want to be able to connect to "dewiki.labsdb" and end up at the DB replica server hosting the German Wikipedia, have to copy /etc/hosts from a Tools instance. This system (per-database hostname) comes from the toolserver setup and is in active use by (most) tools that need to connect to project databases - in particular, tools which can operate on more than one project use the project name as a 'selector' in this way.
The ideal solution would be to do away with this system entirely, and have tools resolve the proper database dynamically at runtime according to the information made available in every replica in the table. This, however, requires altering the code that runs those tools and possibly restructuring it according to the new scheme, something which is difficult to demand of every maintainer (not all of whom are active regularily).
A decent intermediate solution is to have those aliases served properly by DNS as part of a subdomain, where only one copy of the data exists and needs to be maintained (and, since it's in git, can be maintained automatically if wanted).
The current changeset proposes allocating labs.$site.wmnet for that purpose, and places the aliases in the zone file accordingly. resolv.conf on labs instances has already been taken by puppet to include 'labs.$site.wmnet' in the search paths, and set ndots to 2 meaning that the same hostnames will resolve through DNS the same way they did with /etc/hosts
Possible improvements include delegating the subdomain to a labs server.