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fatal error hitting the API URL on beta labs
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PHP fatal error in /srv/common-local/php-master/includes/api/ApiQueryBase.php line 43:
Argument 1 passed to ApiQueryBase::__construct() must be an instance of ApiQuery, instance of ApiMain given, called in /srv/common-local/php-master/extensions/SiteMatrix/SiteMatrixApi.php on line 15 and defined

Version: unspecified
Severity: major



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Unbreak Now!.Nov 22 2014, 3:26 AM
bzimport added a project: SiteMatrix.
bzimport set Reference to bz65537.

Reassigning to SiteMatrix, although I'll probably submit a patch for it myself in a few minutes.

Confirmed the bug is in SiteMatrix: ApiQuerySiteMatrix should not be extending ApiQueryBase if it's going to register itself in $wgAPIModules.

Change 134390 had a related patch set uploaded by Anomie:
$wgAPIModules should extend ApiBase, not ApiQueryBase

Presumably triggered as of change Ie6bf19150f1c9b619655a06a8e.

Change 134390 merged by jenkins-bot:
$wgAPIModules should extend ApiBase, not ApiQueryBase

Should be in Labs momentarily. No need for a backport because Ie6bf1915 hasn't been deployed anywhere yet.