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Creating numbered lists with images resets the numbering back to 1 for each list item
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: max.anderson.contractor

Since I have multiple screenshots (6), I've placed them in an Imgur album:

  1. User creates a numbered list as instructions on how to install a piece of software in a IT Documentation Wiki. They use the button in the toolbar to create this numbered list.
  2. They create list item 1, 2, 3, and 4 WITHOUT any screenshots JUST text. (See bug screenshot 1)
  3. User places cursor at the end of each line to add a corresponding screenshot for what's described in the text of that line.
  4. They use the "Insert media" dropdown, search and select their image, and place it with their cursor directly at the end of the line. This places the image on the next line.
  5. They go into the properties of the image and uncheck "wrap content with this item" and select "basic" as the image type. This places the image at original size left aligned and directly below the line it was placed on (This is correct and normal).
  6. They repeat this for each line and it appears correctly with correct numbering in tact. (See bug screenshot 2)
  7. They save the page.
  8. Once VE is closed out and the final render of the page appears, each numbered list is reset to 1, and the images are now not aligned with the list indenting. (see bug screenshot 3)

I've found a work around however it's not very convenient:

  1. If a user then goes into the "edit source" page for that page, they will see each list item, and then the link to the image on the line below it. (See bug screenshot 4)
  2. If the user manually moves each image link up to the previous line after the text (the numbered step it wishes to be apart of in the numbered list) and saves the page, it will appear correctly with the numbered list not being reset to 1 for every list item. (See bug screenshot 5 and bug screenshot 6)

I'm not sure of the details on how to go about fixing this, but I would say VE needs to make sure that the image link wiki markup stays on the same line as the list item.

Version: unspecified
Severity: major



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:40 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz69205.

max.anderson.contractor wrote:

Update 9/3/2014:

I've found another work around. This one is slightly more convenient but its still a workaround.

1)The user creates the numbered list WITHOUT any images and saves the page
2)They then re open the VE for the page.
3)If they then insert the images in the same manner described above(below?) they will appear correctly in the final render and the source code will look like screenshot 5.

Step #4 "they... select their image, and place it with their cursor directly at the end of the line."- is not reproducible anymore - the image will be inserted inline instead. Moving the image to the next line will produce a new numbered line.

Since the steps are not reproducible anymore and some changes/improvements have been done to slugs - closing as Resolved.

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