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Modify WikidataQueryPageGenerator so it can also return Wikidata items
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The current WikidataQueryPageGenerator in tries to return pages on connected sites. Sometimes we want Wikidata items. If site is a Basesite, the generator shouldn't try to do "link = page.getSitelink(site)", but just return the Wikidata item.

Event Timeline

Multichill raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Multichill updated the task description. (Show Details)
Multichill changed Security from none to None.
Multichill subscribed.

"Basesite" ? do you mean DataSite ?

Yeah, DataSite. Wikibase, Wikidata, basic data wiki mess ;-)

This should be a nice easy/beginner CGI project; would you be able to co-mentor it?
We could use this Pywikibot-Wikidata task description as a template:

Multichill: Are you up for mentoring? Indeed co-mentoring is highly welcome; if you're in jayvdb or I can create this task in Google Melange.