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Editing Flow board header doesn't set keyboard focus and textarea is compressed
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  1. Visit a Flow board
  2. Click the pencil to edit the Flow board header.

A textarea with the board header's contents appears, but the input focus does not shift to it (no focus highlight, no keyboard caret) and the textarea is one line tall with no scrollbar. Its appearance may come from class flow-input-compressed. This happens on testwiki and

Expected result:
When you edit the board header the keyboard focus should be in its textarea, and it should appear expanded, just as when you Edit your own post. The latter has class `flow-form-collapsible.

Possibly related: if the displayed board header is quite tall and you scroll so the pencil to edit it is near the top of the screen, then when you click the pencil you don't even see this one-line textarea on-screen. Maybe Flow is trying to scroll, and set the input focus to, a wrong textarea identifier.

Event Timeline

Spage raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Spage updated the task description. (Show Details)
Spage changed Security from none to None.
Spage subscribed.
Spage triaged this task as Medium priority.Dec 19 2014, 6:45 PM

Change 199283 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mattflaschen):
Autofocus into edit header form

Change 199283 merged by jenkins-bot:
Autofocus into edit header form

According to "Autofocus into edit header form"( - when 'Edit title' clicked, the cursor will be positioned in the header area(checked in Chrome, FF, and Safari).

However, a header does not expand.

Expected result:
When you edit the board header the keyboard focus should be in its textarea, and it should appear expanded, >just as when you Edit your own post. The latter has class `flow-form-collapsible.

Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 2.50.33 PM.png (267×955 px, 55 KB)

Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 2.50.50 PM.png (158×957 px, 39 KB)

Actually, this task is aboat the board description, which used to be called "header" until recently :)

(The topic title input field is not supposed to expand, it should encourage short titles)

DannyH claimed this task.

Works on Beta