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Parse wikitext in MediaWiki:Lastmodifiedat
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HTML is no longer rendered in MediaWiki:Lastmodifiedat after the last update (1.24wmf14). Some wikis use this message to add links to external utilities like, see n:pl:MediaWiki:Lastmodifiedat.

MediaWiki_lastmodifiedat.png (539×1 px, 114 KB)

Event Timeline

PeterBowman raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
PeterBowman updated the task description. (Show Details)
PeterBowman subscribed.
Aklapper triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 14 2015, 5:51 PM
Aklapper added a project: Regression. was also affected. This customization was for informing the timezone (UTC) of the wiki and giving links to explain further.

Ugh, obviously I should have checked for this and give time to fix these. Nevertheless, we should migrate away from raw html. I think that if we allow using wikitext here, most if not all of the linked examples can be re-implemented.

Nemo_bis renamed this task from Allow HTML content in MediaWiki:Lastmodifiedat to Parse wikitext in MediaWiki:Lastmodifiedat.Jan 18 2015, 11:03 PM
Nemo_bis set Security to None.

I think it's good to avoid HTML in this message (shown on every single page) before its usage spreads further (similar to MediaWiki:Copyright which has become practically unfixable). Let's parse wikitext here and then inform (+ apologise to) all affected wikis.

@Jackmcbarn, I see you deleted the message on some of the affected wikis, do you know how many are left? I see about 120 which created this page, but most of them are old translations in need of deletion.

gerritbot subscribed.

Change 191333 had a related patch set uploaded (by Whym):
Passe "retrievedfrom" and "lastmodifiedat"


Change 191333 merged by jenkins-bot:
Parse "retrievedfrom" and "lastmodifiedat"

Umherirrender claimed this task.

Fix will be part of MediaWiki1.25wmf18, see for the timeline

@Jackmcbarn, I see you deleted the message on some of the affected wikis, do you know how many are left? I see about 120 which created this page, but most of them are old translations in need of deletion.

No idea.