interwiki -family:wiktionary -whenneeded -lang:cy Category:Armeneg
th: category is redirected to another one, but bot does not recognize this redirect and gives two possibilities. When I try compat or -autonomous mode, it works interwiki -family:wiktionary -whenneeded -lang:cy Category:Armeneg
th: category is redirected to another one, but bot does not recognize this redirect and gives two possibilities. When I try compat or -autonomous mode, it works
Maybe not only categories:װאַסער&diff=4461408&oldid=293612
(this was probably in autonomous mode)
Some more investigating:
interwiki category:Foo - recognizes
interwki -start:Category:Bar - not always recognizes is not a category redirect. The current version of pywikibot core correctly recognizes redirects (P672)
I couldn't find any category redirects in wiktionary, please do tell if you know one.
[[tg:Гурӯҳ:Забони aнглисӣ]]
[[lv:Category:Candidates for speedy deletion]]
You can try with reverting
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