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Add contribution tracking ID to credit card statement on Worldpay
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


We can't search on non-latin-script names in the Worldpay console. We should add the contribution tracking ID to the donor's CC statement to allow us to find donations.

Event Timeline

Ejegg raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Ejegg updated the task description. (Show Details)
Ejegg subscribed.
Ejegg edited a custom field.
gerritbot subscribed.

Change 187642 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ejegg):
Add contribution tracking to Worldpay CC statement


Change 187642 merged by jenkins-bot:
Add contribution tracking to Worldpay CC statement

Change 188679 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ejegg):
Really send NarrativeStatement1


Change 188679 merged by jenkins-bot:
Really send NarrativeStatement1

@atgo no, I haven't. I didn't work when I tested it this week. I wasn't clear on what to expect after our last interaction with WP.

Agreed @CCogdill_WMF. It was confusing. It looks like it's on our side to confirm that it's happening or not - maybe some of our international donors can see it. Perhaps we should ask some of our other testers?

I got the impression from our call that international card issuers were more likely to add the text to the statement, but even there it wasn't guaranteed.

@CCogdill_WMF have you heard anything about this working yet? I'd love to close this

I haven't @atgo, and it's supposed to work inconsistently so I'm not sure it's worth trying to track more people down to test. I'm fine to close it.

atgo claimed this task.

A donor contacted us showing a screenshot of their bank statement, and it included the Worldpay transaction ID! It was very helpful to the agent solving the ticket :)

Thanks for your help, @Ejegg!