I am testing a patch that adds extension.json registration to Content Translation:
I am doing the testing on MediaWiki-Vagrant with a role/module I am writing for Content Translation (WIP):
For some reason, the settings applied through the ::mediawiki::extension puppet manifest and the settings that come from extension.json are both being applied instead of one being overwritten by the other. For example, if I add something like this to the MediaWiki-Vagrant module I am creating for Content Translation:
::mediawiki::extension { 'ContentTranslation': settings => { 'wgContentTranslationSiteTemplates["view"]' => '//$1.local.wmftest.net:8080/wiki/$2' 'wgContentTranslationSiteTemplates["api"]' => '$1.wikipedia.org/w/api.php' 'wgContentTranslationSiteTemplates["cx"]' => '//cxserver.wmflabs.org/v1' } }
But the extension.json file has the following:
"config": { "ContentTranslationSiteTemplates": { "view": "//$1.wikipedia.org/wiki/$2", "api": "//$1.wikipedia.org/w/api.php", "cx": "http://localhost:8080" }, }
What I end up with is urls that look like this:
So it seems that both settings are being applied and the value is being turned into an array.
I'm not sure if this is a bug or I'm just missing something on how things should be set up. Any information would be most helpful.