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Graphoid for private wikis / Keep session data per request in Vega
Closed, DeclinedPublic


During request processing, graphoid anonymously calls allowed public wikis (e.g., without forwarding any user session data. In order to allow graphoid use on the private wikis, it needs to forward the session state to the private wikis.

This implies that:

  • Vega library needs to keep the context of the rendering request so that the data loader could forward relevant session data
  • We need a plan how to keep graphoid in the same security zone as the private wiki
    • Possible ideas - one graphoid instance per private wiki, e.g. =>, plus custom rules that allow session data to be forwarded only to, but make anonymous calls to all other allowed wikis.

Event Timeline

Yurik raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Yurik updated the task description. (Show Details)
Yurik added subscribers: Yurik, Milimetric.
Yurik moved this task from Backlog to Graphoid on the MediaWiki-extensions-Graph board.
Yurik added a subscriber: DFoy.
Yurik triaged this task as Medium priority.May 11 2015, 11:27 PM

Graphoid is not actively worked on anymore and is being phased out / sunsetted / undeployed / archived (see T211881, T242855, T236892).
Boldly declining this task.