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Upgrade Labs Compute nodes to Trusty
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I just now tested an in-place upgrade of virt1005:

  • Created a test instance on virt1005
  • apt-get upgrade
  • Turn off puppet
  • Remove the cloud archive from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
  • s/precise/trusty/g in /etc/apt/sources.list
  • apt-get update
  • apt-get upgrade, and selected defaults for all interactive options.
  • puppet agent -tv

After that, the test instance was still running without interruption

Puppet on virt1005 failed at this point, with:

E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'linux-tools-3.2.0-70-generic'

After a reboot of virt1005, puppet ran without complaints.

Event Timeline

Andrew claimed this task.
Andrew raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Andrew updated the task description. (Show Details)
Andrew added a project: Cloud-Services.
Andrew added subscribers: Aklapper, Andrew.

Before upgrade, virt1005 was running icehouse:

ii nova-compute 1:2014.1.3-0ubuntu1~cloud0

post upgrade, still icehouse:

ii nova-compute 1:2014.1.3-0ubuntu2

And I'm still able to create instances on virt1005. Icehouse is the default version of Openstack on Trusty. There's a patch in place in puppet to adopt the cloud-archive when we upgrade away from Icehouse:

So, the only pain point here is the reboot, which necessitates a reboot of labs instances as well. Is it possible to avoid or defer this reboot?

1012 is running Trusty now -- the upgrade was mostly painless although it did require a reboot.

This is going to happen via migration to newly-imaged boxes.

labvirt1001-1006 are already running trusty. Virt1011 is empty and ready to be re-imaged as Trusty.

Next I'll cold-migrate everything from virt1010 and virt1012 to labvirt* and reimage them as well. After all this we should be able to dump the ciscos entirely.