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Don't rely on wikitech API for production services
Closed, ResolvedPublic


nfs-project-exports-daemon (presumably among others) hits the wikitech API to learn about instances and their IPs. This is extremely fragile and relies on tech that we've already planned to phase out.

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Event Timeline

Andrew raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Andrew updated the task description. (Show Details)
Andrew added projects: Cloud-Services, Cloud-VPS.
Andrew subscribed.

+1 - we need a readonly nova api account, I think.

chasemp subscribed.

modules/labstore/files/nfs-exports-daemon: url = ("" +

Labs hiera stuff:
modules/wmflib/lib/hiera/mwcache.rb: @httphost = config[:host] || ''
modules/puppetmaster/files/labs.hiera.yaml: :host:
modules/puppetmaster/files/labtest.hiera.yaml: :host:

Hiera variable status_wiki_host_master - this is more about labs updating wikitech, it's not vital
Hiera variable labs_osm_host - this is to allow silver to connect to ports 5000 and 35357 (keystone) + 9292 (glance) on control, and port 9001 (designate) on services

modules/ldap/manifests/role/config.pp: 'wikicontrollerapiurl' => '', - unused?

modules/graphite/files/archive-instances: '' +
modules/graphite/files/archive-instances: ''
modules/prometheus/files/usr/local/bin/prometheus-labs-targets: '' +

Change 328608 had a related patch set uploaded (by Alex Monk):
graphite: Don't use wikitech API to find labs projects/instances

Change 328609 had a related patch set uploaded (by Alex Monk):
labstore: Don't use wikitech API to find labs instances in nfs-exportd

Change 329021 had a related patch set uploaded (by Alex Monk):
toollabs: Don't use wikitech API to find labs instances in tools-clush-generator

Change 329021 merged by Andrew Bogott:
toollabs: Don't use wikitech API to find labs instances in tools-clush-generator

Change 328608 merged by Andrew Bogott:
graphite: Don't use wikitech API to find labs projects/instances

Change 333267 had a related patch set uploaded (by Andrew Bogott):
graphite: Don't use wikitech API to find labs projects/instances

Change 333267 merged by Andrew Bogott:
graphite: Don't use wikitech API to find labs projects/instances

Change 333289 had a related patch set uploaded (by Alex Monk):
Follow-up I94eb86ba: Ignore projects where we can't list instances

Change 333289 merged by Andrew Bogott:
Follow-up I94eb86ba: Ignore projects where we can't list instances

Change 328609 merged by Andrew Bogott:
labstore: Don't use wikitech API to find labs instances in nfs-exportd

Change 335917 had a related patch set uploaded (by Andrew Bogott):
Labstore: set openstack::version: mitaka on 1004 and 1005

Change 335917 merged by Andrew Bogott:
Labstore: set openstack::version: mitaka on 1004 and 1005

Andrew claimed this task.

I think that's all of them!