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Localised name for Educational Program in ruwiki
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Please, change names of Educational Program namespaces in ruwiki to:
ns446 - Образовательная программа
ns447 - Обсуждение образовательной программы

Event Timeline

MBH raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
MBH updated the task description. (Show Details)
MBH subscribed.
Aklapper triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 2 2015, 7:56 AM
Glaisher subscribed.

Better to do this in the extension directly rather than having a Wikimedia specific one.

Change 195093 had a related patch set uploaded (by Glaisher):
Add Russian translations for namespaces

Might also want to have aliases for special pages. see here for full list.

'MyCourses' => array( 'Мои курсы' ),
'ManageCourses' => array( 'Управление курсами' ),
'Institutions' => array( 'Учебные заведения' ),
'Student' => array( 'Студент' ),
'Students' => array( 'Студенты' ),
'Courses' => array( 'Курсы' ),
'EducationProgram' => array( 'Образовательная программа' ),
'Enroll' => array( 'Зарегистрировать' ),
'Disenroll' => array( 'Исключить' ),
'StudentActivity' => array( 'Активность студента' ),
'Articles' => array( 'Статьи' ),
'CourseActivity' => array( 'Активность на курсе' ),

Updated patch has the special page aliases as well.

Change 195093 merged by jenkins-bot:
Add Russian translations for namespaces and special page aliases

NickK reopened this task as Open.EditedApr 3 2015, 1:18 PM
NickK subscribed.

Is it possible to resolve T73953 ASAP?

The problem is that Russian is a default fallback language for Ukrainian Wikipedia (we wanted to remove in T39314 and in T39329 but it was rejected), so when there is no Ukrainian translation Russian translation is displayed.

Ukrainian community is very annoyed by the fact that Ukrainian Wikipedia now displays Russian name of the namespace, especially given that Russian request was submitted only in March 2015 (and it is already closed), while Ukrainian request was submitted in October 2014 and is still not resolved (seeВікіпедія:Кнайпа_(технічні_питання)#Випадаюче_меню for the community discussion).


(no real reason to open this)