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Table cells disappearing when adding a "-"
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When trying to reproduce an other problem, I tried adding a "-" in some empty cells in a table.
While in VE editing mode, the result seemed ok, but when I checked the modifications or when I save, the result is completely different: cells have simply been removed by VE, damaging the table.

Two edits that show the problem:

How to reproduce starting with the initial version of the test page:

  • double click in the cell (1,1) after the "-" and add the "a"
  • same for cell (1,2)
  • double click in the cell (3,1) and add the "-"
  • same for cell (3,2)

VE still displays all the cells, but when you look at the wikitext or save, both cells (3,1) and (3,2) have disappeared.
Second test was done with Chrome 40 on Windows 7, and I don't remember for the first one.

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