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Mobile menu improvements (alpha)
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


We should improve the Special:MobileMenu interface in alpha.

  1. New back icon
  2. Remove R from wordmark (This is on hold until we get approval from Legal, which is pending) T95007
  3. Include search icon before Search Wikipedia placeholder

search2-02.png (1×641 px, 110 KB)

@kaldari: "I pinged Yana about the ® in the wordmark. Trying to get it removed completely (both in the header and footer)."
@kaldari: "Still waiting to hear back from Yana about the ® next to the wordmark."

Event Timeline

KLans_WMF raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
KLans_WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
KLans_WMF subscribed.

@KHammerstein: I can't find the asset for the light search icon. You got a copy lying around?

Change 201484 had a related patch set uploaded (by Phuedx):
[WIP] [Alpha] Minor Special:MobileMenu improvements

@kaldari: I suggest we break out the "® in the wordmark" part of this task out. Whaddya reckon?

Would be great if you could move this to js in the process/ or on the back of this and remove all the markup from the page. Would shrink all page view HTML size as well as be much snappier than the current setup.

@bmansurov: Ta. That change introduced a white magnifying glass icon, this needed that icon in gray. Maybe we should finally commit to icon fonts!? /cc @Jdlrobson

Would be great if you could move this to js in the process/ or on the back of this and remove all the markup from the page. Would shrink all page view HTML size as well as be much snappier than the current setup.

@Jdlrobson: New task :) We could write it together if you like?

Change 201484 merged by jenkins-bot:
Alpha: Minor Special:MobileMenu improvements