EntryScape is a Single Page Application written in javascript and provided under the AGPL.
Landing page: http://entryscape.com
Code: https://bitbucket.org/metasolutions/entryscape
Description: EntryScape supports you in collecting and describing your resources and allows you to share them with individuals, groups and communities.
NLS project for EntryScape: https://bitbucket.org/metasolutions/entryscape-nls
File format: AmdFFS (https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/188347/)
NLS support: plurals
Project liaison: Matthias Palmér
Commit access: Will be provided to an staff member to entryscape-nls.
Logo: https://bitbucket.org/metasolutions/entryscape/src/10240af7ec337c2d6a699f1b71bf3302e52aa870/resources/icons/logo/entryscape.png?at=master (only PNG but seems easy to get small)
EntryScape has 10 messagegroups, e.g. 'profile', 'settings', 'create' etc.
Experimenting with a yaml file led to 10 entries where, e.g. the part for the 'profile' messagegroup looks like:
BASIC: id: entryscape-profile label: EntryScape profil view namespace: NS_ES class: FileBasedMessageGroup FILES: class: AmdFFS definitionFile: %GROUPROOT%/entryscape-nls/profile.js sourcePattern: %GROUPROOT%/entryscape-nls/%CODE%/profile.js targetPattern: entryscape/%CODE%/profile.js
Where GROUPROOT pointed to a directory where the entryscape-nls git-repo was cloned.