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EntryScape is a Single Page Application written in javascript and provided under the AGPL.

Landing page:
Description: EntryScape supports you in collecting and describing your resources and allows you to share them with individuals, groups and communities.
NLS project for EntryScape:
File format: AmdFFS (
NLS support: plurals
Project liaison: Matthias Palmér
Commit access: Will be provided to an staff member to entryscape-nls.
Logo: (only PNG but seems easy to get small)

EntryScape has 10 messagegroups, e.g. 'profile', 'settings', 'create' etc.
Experimenting with a yaml file led to 10 entries where, e.g. the part for the 'profile' messagegroup looks like:

  id: entryscape-profile
  label: EntryScape profil view
  namespace: NS_ES
  class: FileBasedMessageGroup

  class: AmdFFS
  definitionFile: %GROUPROOT%/entryscape-nls/profile.js
  sourcePattern: %GROUPROOT%/entryscape-nls/%CODE%/profile.js
  targetPattern: entryscape/%CODE%/profile.js

Where GROUPROOT pointed to a directory where the entryscape-nls git-repo was cloned.

Event Timeline

Matthiaspalmer raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Matthiaspalmer updated the task description. (Show Details)
Matthiaspalmer subscribed.
Nemo_bis triaged this task as Medium priority.
Nemo_bis set Security to None.

Am I supposed to use the entryscape or the entryscape-nls repo? In the latter, why are the English files not in en subdirectory? What is the "sv": true in those files?

You should use the repository entryscape-nls as it contains the translations.
The entrystore repository is the full project with everything else.

We have english as the core language, hence, it is uneccessary to have it also in a en subdirectory.
From my understanding you do not edit the core language in translatewiki.

"sv": true indicates that the swedish translations are enabled, mature enough so to speak.

But in general I do not think you need to consider the exact expression as it is taken care of by the AmdFFS file format But if you are interested, documentation are provided here:

Change 213513 had a related patch set uploaded (by Nikerabbit):
Add support for EntryScape

Change 213513 merged by jenkins-bot:
Add support for EntryScape

Ok, now the group actually works too.

I forgot one important thing, I and Siebrand (if he has bitbucket account) need commit access to push l10n updates.

Nikerabbit is now added to entryscape-nls (write access rights, needs confirmation though), but we do not know the bitbucket account for Siebrand. created; user templates and categories still to do.

Template and categories created.

@Matthiaspalmer: EntryScape's open support requests is a good thing to keep on your radar.

The group description should ideally be populated with:

[[Translating:EntryScape|EntryScape]] is a web application to maintain content and metadata to be shared with individuals, groups and communities.

I can't remember if this string lives in translatewiki or amongst the original en strings.

The group description should ideally be populated with:

[[Translating:EntryScape|EntryScape]] is a web application to maintain content and metadata to be shared with individuals, groups and communities.

I can't remember if this string lives in translatewiki or amongst the original en strings.


I believe this can be closed now.

Two questions from someone who doesn't know the magic going on behind the scene:

  1. Is there a (automatic) routine in place for pulling updates to the repo to translatewiki, i.e. updates to the en translations?
  2. How often are translations pushed to the repo? Alternatively how long does it take before a translation in twn gets committed (on average)?

Siebrand now has commit access as well.

Two questions from someone who doesn't know the magic going on behind the scene:

  1. Is there a (automatic) routine in place for pulling updates to the repo to translatewiki, i.e. updates to the en translations?
  2. How often are translations pushed to the repo? Alternatively how long does it take before a translation in twn gets committed (on average)?

Thanks for asking. Projects other than MediaWiki are usually updated and exported every two weeks by Siebrand. Further automation is planned but progressing slowly due to lack of time.