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Send regular mobile site speed reports
Closed, InvalidPublic5 Estimated Story Points


Write a script that emails reading-wmf every two weeks (?) with the following:

  • The site speed at the last deploy
  • The current site speed

Open Questions

  • Where does the script live?
  • Who's email account should we use?

Event Timeline

phuedx raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
phuedx updated the task description. (Show Details)
phuedx added a project: Web-Team-Backlog.
phuedx updated the task description. (Show Details)
phuedx set Security to None.
phuedx added subscribers: phuedx, Aklapper.
KLans_WMF renamed this task from Send regular mobile site speed reports to (5) Send regular mobile site speed reports.May 6 2015, 6:21 PM
KLans_WMF renamed this task from (5) Send regular mobile site speed reports to Send regular mobile site speed reports.May 6 2015, 6:24 PM
KLans_WMF edited a custom field.

Is the dashboard enough or do we want to do this?

phuedx claimed this task.
phuedx added subscribers: Jhernandez, JKatzWMF.

I've become slightly disillusioned with the idea ever since we started receiving regular browser test failure emails.

@JKatzWMF: I'm closing this task as invalid. Feel free to open it up again if you feel otherwise.

Also, nice work on the dashboards to you, @Jhernandez, and @Jdlrobson!

The dashboards are very useful, I've been visiting them often.

Link for posterity:

I've become slightly disillusioned with the idea ever since we started receiving regular browser test failure emails.

@phuedx what about the regular browser test failure emails has disillusioned you?

@JKatzWMF: That they're so regular :(

I suppose that it's not fair to equate notification of failure with a digest/friendly reminder to look at graphs. Nevertheless, I don't think this is an urgent requirement. It may be as we create more metrics and log more and more data.

@phuedx Belated hanks for clarifying. I think this would be helpful, but agree that it's not urgent: particularly when compared to getting regular views of our core metrics (pvs, engagement time, sessions..). I believe @ori is looking to create an email report anyway, and said if I suggest some metrics he will be more incentivized to create the report. I think offhand, we can use the dashboard for details and simply have a report with the following core metrics.

I finally created that here: