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Unable to undo multiple damaging actions in Flow discussions
Open, MediumPublic


As a user who watches a given discussion, I want to be able to mass revert any flow actions (edits to existing comments, hiding of content, adding new comments), so that vandalism can be fixed quickly once it is noticed.

E.g.: I was not able to find a way to "mass unhide" several comments hidden by an anonymous user on Portuguese Wikipedia. On normal talk pages, I could just click "undo" (or "rollback" when I have the appropriate user right) and they would all be restored (and the edits marked as bot edits, in the case of rollback).

Event Timeline

He7d3r raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
He7d3r updated the task description. (Show Details)
He7d3r subscribed.
DannyH triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 9 2015, 4:15 PM
DannyH subscribed.

Good ticket, and great to have an example to work from. We'll think about how to solve this. Thanks, Helder!