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Apply typography, space, and layout styles
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Just apply code from here. Mobile-and-tablet-already-friendly.

Event Timeline

violetto assigned this task to Prtksxna.
violetto raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
violetto updated the task description. (Show Details)
violetto added subscribers: Aklapper, violetto.
violetto added a subscriber: werdna.

Change 204484 had a related patch set uploaded (by Prtksxna):
Minor type changes

Change 204484 merged by jenkins-bot:
Minor type changes

Change 205539 had a related patch set uploaded (by Prtksxna):
Update spacing for p and h2

@Prtksxna, I fixed some issues. Check em here.

Submitted a patch with those changes.

Only layout 1 has been applied according to @Prtksxna. Still a work in progress.

Prtksxna subscribed.

@violetto, I thought this task was created for applying those templates to the skin in general, like updating the spacing between headings and paragraphs (see submitted patches), and not for migrating the layouts from Github to the LSG. Sorry about the confusion.

I believe our last conversation about this will help you make the templates yourself. Let me know if you need anything.

The description could be more descriptive. I was hoping we apply the styles from github and be able to use it on the wiki in the future. I'll get to this soon though, no worries.

@Prtksxna, I imagine this task, especially the layout portion will be affected by T104673?

@violetto @Prtksxna No big deal here, (myself) only need to take care about including the base styles from Bootstrap and it's fine.

Sure, but using the same classes as Bootstrap or changing to even better names isn't hard. We'll take care.

No worries, was making sure that was captured. Also means I shouldn't go ahead and make more layout templates until T104673 is somewhat completed to reduce complications.

Change 205539 merged by VolkerE:
Update spacing for p and h2

Volker_E moved this task from Backlog to Done on the Wikimedia Design Style Guide board.