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List acl* projects at the bottom of project lists
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From T90491#1151638 by @atgo:

Maybe I'm late in the discussion here and you guys are set - but prefixing the Project with acl* moves it to the top of the list of projects a user is a member of (particularly in Dashboard panels). This strikes me as a usability issue as it's going to be the project a user interacts with the least and is taking up valuable real estate.

I would suggest that projects such as this that are not super active use naming conventions that move them to the bottom of alphabetized list.

Discussed in meeting with Chase and Mukunda and Mukunda said this might be easy enough to list ACL projects at the bottom of project lists via custom code (no idea though if via comparing strings for "acl*" or checking the project icon and/or color here and what's more performant / less error-prone).

Better than renaming to something cryptic like zacl* to have it at the end of the alphabet.

Event Timeline

Aklapper assigned this task to mmodell.
Aklapper raised the priority of this task from to Low.
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)
Aklapper added a project: Phabricator.
Aklapper added subscribers: Aklapper, atgo.

I created this dashboard panel which filters out acl projects:

To embed this in dashboards, add panel 490 or embed it in project pages (or anywhere else you can enter remarkup) by using this code:


Which will result in a list that looks like this:


Restricted Application added a subscriber: scfc. · View Herald TranscriptAug 7 2015, 6:08 AM

@mmodell: Is this still wanted? (Because I'd propose to decline this task. Too little of a problem IMHO to spend efforts.)

fwiw I filtered acl projects from the list of 5 on users' profile pages, this may partially address the problem described here.