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editing tasks survey
Closed, ResolvedPublic0 Estimated Story Points


  • iterate survey - add some more demographics questions
  • work with analytics (Leila) to gather the right participants
  • talk with Louis about any possible issues with inviting people who Leila finds via data querying via emails. ( I sent an email today - Thurs, Oct 16)
  • after iteration, send survey out to internal group as pilot to see how they deal with the big matrix.
  • talk with Maggie Dennis about best practices for emailing people
  • Write draft email (Daisy)
  • Iterate the invitation email (Abbey, Kaity, James, Roan)
  • Write wiki page describing the research and where the findings will be shared
  • add survey link and wiki page link to email invite.
  • run internal pilot - iterate from that
  • send iterated survey out to 1000 participants (randomized from the list of 9000)
  • Send out to more participants - 1000 at a time until we get the numbers for each of the three segments we need for 90% confidence
  • understand how many respondents we need from each of the three groups of participants for 90% accuracy.
  • analysis and synthesis
  • create a report and share with team and everyone

Trello card: 0WqzdFxS

Event Timeline

aripstra set Security to None.

WE have done most of the analysis and synthesis and report is close to done. This was delayed as a result of re org and urgencies.

ggellerman triaged this task as Medium priority.
ggellerman edited a custom field.

link to report- analysis got cut short a bit - lost in the recent shuffling around of things. I just got it in shape to share and sent it to Nirzar and James F.

aripstra updated the task description. (Show Details)