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Private mailing list for Wikimedia Reading team
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Create a new private mailing list for use by the new Reading team for internal team communications. @bd808, @dr0ptp4kt, and @Tnegrin can serve as the initial list administrators.

This is expected to be a low traffic internal list for the small number of team discussions that for whatever reason can't be done on a public list like wikitech-l or mobile-l.

Event Timeline

bd808 raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
bd808 updated the task description. (Show Details)
bd808 added a project: Wikimedia-Mailing-lists.
bd808 added subscribers: bd808, dr0ptp4kt, Tnegrin.
JohnLewis claimed this task.
JohnLewis subscribed.

Password emailed to all three list admins.

bd808 moved this task from To Do to Done on the User-bd808 board.