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Mar 14 2024

Solaris22 added a comment to T355950: Add "inlinecomments-view" permission.

Hi @Yaron_Koren
I also want to take part in GSOC 2024, for which I have created the proposal, can you please take a look at it and review it.

Mar 14 2024, 10:10 AM · MediaWiki-extensions-InlineComments

Mar 12 2024

Solaris22 created T359976: {GSOC 2024 Project Proposal}-Improve InlineComments Extension .
Mar 12 2024, 6:21 PM · Google-Summer-of-Code (2024), MediaWiki-extensions-InlineComments

Mar 10 2024

Solaris22 added a comment to T355948: Make InlineComments sidebar creation more skin-neutral.

I was thinking of using a single CSS file instead of having separate CSS files for different skins, can we create a single CSS file that includes styles that work well across all skins.
All common styles used across different CSS files and consolidate them into a single file.
Would this approach work?

Mar 10 2024, 5:58 AM · Patch-For-Review, MediaWiki-extensions-InlineComments

Mar 8 2024

Solaris22 added a comment to T355950: Add "inlinecomments-view" permission.

Thank you, @Yaron_Koren, for helping me out throughout the patch. Can you tell me if there is anything else that needs to be done in this patch?
I really want to work under your guidance on the GSOC 2024 program.
Is there any other microtask that I can work on? Also, can I start working on my GSOC proposal?

Mar 8 2024, 5:23 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-InlineComments

Mar 4 2024

Solaris22 added a comment to T355950: Add "inlinecomments-view" permission.

Hey @Yaron_Koren , @Jatinder190124 ,Can you please review the latest patch. Sorry for any inconvenience caused, as I am still learning and exploring and might have caused some trouble while creating multiple patches. 

Mar 4 2024, 4:10 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-InlineComments
Solaris22 added a comment to T355950: Add "inlinecomments-view" permission.

Hi @Yaron_Koren I agree with you code was a bit more complex than it needs to be. I have tried to fix it,can you please review this patch.

Mar 4 2024, 11:02 AM · MediaWiki-extensions-InlineComments

Mar 3 2024

Solaris22 added a comment to T355950: Add "inlinecomments-view" permission.

Hello @Yaron_Koren can you please check this patch once and provide any insights or changes required.

Mar 3 2024, 5:47 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-InlineComments
Solaris22 added a comment to T355950: Add "inlinecomments-view" permission.

Hey @Yaron_Koren can you provide me with more context about the inlinecomments-view permission.We want to enable certain user groups to view comments while restricting access for others. What steps should I take to define this permission?

Mar 3 2024, 1:11 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-InlineComments

Mar 2 2024

Solaris22 added a comment to T355950: Add "inlinecomments-view" permission.

Can you check this once I have Added the "inlinecomments-view" permission to the "AvailableRights" section as well as "GroupPermissions"

Mar 2 2024, 2:31 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-InlineComments
Solaris22 added a comment to T355950: Add "inlinecomments-view" permission.

Hi @Yaron_Koren ,
I was working on this microtask. I have created another branch and made changes to the code, and when I push the code, it is giving me this error.
Can you help me with this?

image.png (432×1 px, 71 KB)

Mar 2 2024, 11:28 AM · MediaWiki-extensions-InlineComments

Mar 1 2024

Solaris22 added a comment to T355948: Make InlineComments sidebar creation more skin-neutral.

Hi @Yaron_Koren can I work on this.

Mar 1 2024, 12:27 PM · Patch-For-Review, MediaWiki-extensions-InlineComments