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Mar 5 2021

Sriv26 closed T260213: Issue with app store link on portal as Resolved.
Mar 5 2021, 6:27 PM · Wikimedia-Portals, Discovery-Portal-Backlog

Feb 20 2021

Sriv26 added a comment to T273179: Update the front-page of Wikimedia projects.

Hi @Abhinay76 :)
to solve the gulp not recognised error you can install gulp globally(npm install -g gulp)
Also, kindly join the zulip chat if you haven't already to ask questions related to setting up project environment

Feb 20 2021, 5:44 PM · User-notice-archive, Patch-For-Review, Google-Summer-of-Code (2021), Wikimedia-Portals, Outreach-Programs-Projects

Feb 10 2021

Sriv26 added a comment to T260213: Issue with app store link on portal.

@Jdrewniak I've read the documentation and now I have a better understanding of how strings are translated :)
I guess this the Ajax request that you have mentioned in the documentation.

l10nReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); 'GET', encodeURI( 'portal/' + primaryLang + '-' + translationsHash + '.json' ), true );

I've added class="jsl10n" data-jsl10n="app-links.url" to the app link cause in function replacel10nText( info ) we are selecting and replacing strings of that class with the translations

Feb 10 2021, 5:30 PM · Wikimedia-Portals, Discovery-Portal-Backlog

Feb 8 2021

Sriv26 added a comment to T260213: Issue with app store link on portal.

@Aklapper I've created a patch, please review it :)!

Feb 8 2021, 6:38 AM · Wikimedia-Portals, Discovery-Portal-Backlog

Feb 7 2021

Sriv26 added a comment to T260213: Issue with app store link on portal.

(I) I've added <title> tag to the svg element, since svg is in the anchor tag, for accessibility.

image.png (1×1 px, 331 KB)

(2) rel="noreferer"
image.png (1×1 px, 334 KB)

Is this correct or shall I add or change anything before I create a patch?

Feb 7 2021, 6:37 PM · Wikimedia-Portals, Discovery-Portal-Backlog
Sriv26 added a comment to T246299: Add small Wikipedias like Balinese and Sakizaya to Wikipedia portal page.

Thanks a lot! :) I'll try other tasks.

Feb 7 2021, 5:14 PM · MediaWiki CodeJam Dec 2023, Discovery-ARCHIVED, Wikimedia-Portals

Feb 6 2021

Sriv26 added a comment to T246299: Add small Wikipedias like Balinese and Sakizaya to Wikipedia portal page.

Hi, @Aklapper @Jdrewniak
I've added those 2 languages manually in index.html

image.png (1×1 px, 295 KB)

image.png (1×1 px, 363 KB)

But later I've realized that index.html is added to the .gitignore file 😅
So I went through the remaining files(codes)
In the code, java script functions(controller.js and other) were written so that a language appears automatically on the main page based on the data. But the data(ie the .json files) of these two languages isn't there in the l10 folder and cannot be added manually.
image.png (1×1 px, 208 KB)

image.png (1×1 px, 322 KB)

I didn't understand from where the data is generated. 😅
Is there any other approach to solve this task?

Feb 6 2021, 6:20 PM · MediaWiki CodeJam Dec 2023, Discovery-ARCHIVED, Wikimedia-Portals

Feb 5 2021

Sriv26 added a comment to T273179: Update the front-page of Wikimedia projects.

Hi @Jdrewniak ,
I'm vaishnavi, I'm a student interested in participating in outreachy / gsoc
I would like to contribute to wikimedia/portals. I'm new to open source and I'm keen to learn.
I have cloned the portals repository, started the server(using npm start) and got the following result.

Screenshot (663).png (1×1 px, 142 KB)

These were some of the errors that i've got while running npm install command
Screenshot (664).png (1×1 px, 253 KB)

but this error got solved when I installed phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.16 manually
(2) I got "gulp not recognized error" but it got solved when I added "C:\Users\Vaishnavi\AppData\Roaming\npm" to path in environment variables

Feb 5 2021, 11:28 AM · User-notice-archive, Patch-For-Review, Google-Summer-of-Code (2021), Wikimedia-Portals, Outreach-Programs-Projects