Phame Blogs Phabricating Phabricator
Phabricating Phabricator
Release Notes for Wikimedia's fork of Phorge

Iterative Improvements

Written by Aklapper on Wed, Jul 17, 3:47 PM.

Over the last months, the Release-Engineering-Team of the Wikimedia Foundation put efforts into making improvements and fixing issues in Wikimedia Phabricator, our main software planning software. Here is an incomplete list of achievements:


From Phabricator to Phorge

Written by Aklapper on Sep 13 2023, 3:17 PM.

Wikimedia had been using the Phabricator software since 2014 for project planning and task tracking. In June 2021, the company behind upstream Phabricator stopped operations.
In response, numerous Phabricator users started a community fork, taking a copy of the original free and open Phabricator source code to continue developing it under the project name Phorge.


Phabricator Search Backend Changes

Written by mmodell on Jul 29 2020, 5:45 PM.

Phabricator upstream has implemented a search engine that does not depend on an external full-text index service. It's been the default in Phabricator for quite some time, however, we have been using the ElasticSearch engine for a few years now due to previous issues with the old engine. Specifically, the old phabricator fulltext engine depended on MySQL's built-in fulltext index functionality. Unfortunately, the fulltext engine in MySQL had inconsistent performance and often returned low quality search results.


Moving Milestones

Written by mmodell on May 1 2020, 10:39 AM.

This week a long-standing "bug" has been fixed in Phabricator.


Phabricator Status Update

Written by mmodell on Dec 9 2019, 9:00 PM.

You may have noticed that Phabricator's real-time notification service ("Aphlict") is currently disabled. This means that you will not see real-time notification popups in Phabricator and workboard live-updates aren't happening.


Phabricator Features, July, 2019 Edition

Written by mmodell on Jul 26 2019, 9:23 AM.

This will be a brief introduction to this new feature which appeared recently on Phabricator workboards.


Projects, Forms and Subtypes oh my!

Written by mmodell on Feb 28 2019, 2:24 AM.

Significant new functionality just landed in the wmf/stable branch of rPHAB Phabricator which resolves some minor headaches we've been living with for quite some time.


Phab Phebruary

Written by mmodell on Feb 22 2019, 7:23 PM.

After many months with only a few minor updates deployed to the wmf/stable branch of Phabricator, we were long over-due for a major update. With All-hands 2019 behind us I was finally able to find the time to merge and deploy a huge batch of upstream changes.

About Phabricating Phabricator

Occasional updates from Release-Engineering-Team that highlight important changes to Wikimedia's fork of Phorge (previously Phabricator).