Sponsored Phabricator Improvements

In T135327, the WMF Technical Collaboration team collected a list of Phabricator bugs and feature requests from the Wikimedia Developer Community. After identifying the most promising requests from the community, these were presented to Phacility (the organization that builds and maintains Phabricator) for sponsored prioritization.

I am very pleased to report that we are already seeing the benefits of this initiative. Several sponsored improvements have landed on https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/ over the past few weeks. For an overview of what's landed recently, read on!


The following tasks are now resolved:

Notice three of those have task numbers lower than 2000. Those long-standing tasks date from the first months of WMF's Phabricator evaluation and RFC period. When those tasks were originally filled, Phabricator was just a test install running in WMF Labs. For me, It's especially satisfying to close so many long-standing issues that have effected many of us for more than a year.

Work in Progress

Several more issues were identified for sponsorship which are still awaiting a complete solution. Some of these are at least partially fixed and some are still pending. You can find out more details by reading the comments on each task linked below.

Other recent changes

Besides the sponsored features and bug fixes, there are several other recent improvements which are worth mentioning.

Milestones now include Next / Previous navigation

Recurring calendar events also gained next / previous navigation

New feature for Maniphest tasks: dependency graph

This very helpful feature displays a graphical representation of a task's Parents and Subtasks.

Example screenshot of the Phabricator Task Graph (194×329 px, 14 KB)

Initially there was an issue with this feature that made tasks with many relationships unable to load. This was exacerbated by the historical use of "tracking tasks" in the Wikimedia Bugzilla context. Thankfully after a quick patch from @epriestley (the primary author of Phabricator) and lots of help and testing from @Danny_B and @Paladox, @mmodell was able to deploy a fix for the issue a little over 24 hours after it was discovered.

Here's to yet more fruitful collaborations with upstream Phabricator!

Written by mmodell on Jul 27 2016, 10:44 AM.
Volunteer Phabricator Admin
hskiba, Paladox, epriestley and 2 others
"Orange Medal" token, awarded by Krinkle."Like" token, awarded by Jopparn."Barnstar" token, awarded by greg.

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