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"Welcome to Wikimedia development" information for new devs about releasing, CI, and QA
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  • To have a document/slides/whatever makes sense that we can use to get new developers up to speed quickly on how development and releasing happens.
  • This could be a monthly/every two months presentation for all new engineering hires.

Event Timeline

greg raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
greg updated the task description. (Show Details)
greg added a project: Release-Engineering-Team.
greg added subscribers: greg, mark.

First day checklist for new devs:

  • desk and laptop
  • mentor assigned
  • deploy code

More seriously, maybe we can ask the recent hires. They still have a clear mind and would be able to give us a very good feedback about our dev workflow and tooling.

I just spoke with Stephen from WMF Legal about something completely different and I brought this up to get his feedback, and we thought it might also be good to have some information along the lines of "And we aren't your normal company that has a CYA privacy policy, and this is what that means..." etc

Is there a really good reason for this to be foundation-only?

Krenair renamed this task from "Welcome to WMF" information for new devs about releasing, CI, and QA to "Welcome to Wikimedia development" information for new devs about releasing, CI, and QA.Sep 10 2015, 12:22 AM
Krenair set Security to None.