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Edits on enwiki detached from auto-renamed user account need reattaching
Closed, ResolvedPublic


No real idea of where's best to file this, so putting it here as a stab in the dark. Lego, Keegan, please move as appropriate.

An enwiki user called Mirwin was renamed automatically to Mirwin~enwiki (more about that in a moment) but four edits he made a very long time ago got detached for some reason.


Regarding the renaming itself, the account belongs to a deceased editor who passed away without attaching it to the SUL for that name, which is User:Mirwin at Wikiversity. I've placed a steward request for the enwiki account to be renamed back to Mirwin and attached to the SUL.



Event Timeline

Scott assigned this task to Legoktm.
Scott raised the priority of this task from to Low.
Scott updated the task description. (Show Details)
Scott added a project: SUL-Finalization.
Scott added subscribers: Scott, Keegan.
mysql:wikiadmin@db1052 [enwiki]> select rev_user from revision where rev_user_text ="Mirwin";
| rev_user |
|      184 |
|      184 |
|        0 |
|        0 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql:wikiadmin@db1052 [enwiki]> select user_name from user where user_id=184;
| user_name   |
| Dragon Dave |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Given that these are pre-phase3 edits, I'm not surprised they're totally messed up...we can probably fix these manually.

mysql:wikiadmin@db1052 [enwiki]> select rev_id, rev_user from revision where rev_user_text ="Mirwin";
| rev_id | rev_user |
|  10042 |      184 |
|  11083 |      184 |
|  56004 |        0 |
|  61271 |        0 |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

and now:

mysql:wikiadmin@db1052 [enwiki]> select rev_id, rev_user, rev_user_text from revision where rev_id IN (10042, 11083, 56004, 61271);
| rev_id | rev_user | rev_user_text |
|  10042 |      369 | Mirwin~enwiki |
|  11083 |      369 | Mirwin~enwiki |
|  56004 |      369 | Mirwin~enwiki |
|  61271 |      369 | Mirwin~enwiki |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Scott reopened this task as Open.EditedSep 12 2015, 2:56 PM

Reopening as I've found some more - (including the creation of some major articles!). See T5631 for the background on the user name.

Reopening as I've found some more - (including the creation of some major articles!). See T5631 for the background on the user name.

Thanks, @Scott.

@Legoktm - No global account


Sorry Keegan, you've misunderstood. These edits belong to Mirwin. That IP-style user name is an artifact of the Stage II import process and doesn't represent a user that needs a global account. As I mentioned above, read T5631 for an explanation of its significance.

Sorry Keegan, you've misunderstood. These edits belong to Mirwin. That IP-style user name is an artifact of the Stage II import process and doesn't represent a user that needs a global account. As I mentioned above, read T5631 for an explanation of its significance.

No sorry needed, my mistake. I was unaware of that artifact. Thank you for teaching me.

@Legoktm okay then, that's why this isn't split into a different bug as you suggested. Is this something you'll have time for in the near future?

No sorry needed, my mistake. I was unaware of that artifact. Thank you for teaching me.

Happy to help. It's well worth having a read around related material from right back at the beginning, as there are still all sorts of legacy oddities in the data. I report them here when I happen across ones with a (relatively) easy fix.

Peachey88 subscribed.

Reclosing / Mirwin has been done & is in a seperate task