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Please generate a list of Most referenced domains on the German Wikipedia
Closed, DeclinedPublic

Event Timeline

Elitre raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Elitre updated the task description. (Show Details)
Elitre added a project: VisualEditor.

Whoever plans to work on this should be aware of the conversation at .

Would this still be useful?

(For the record, a working, reliable method to extract such domains would still be great. Maybe I should poke the Wikicite folks about this.)

(For the record, a working, reliable method to extract such domains would still be great. Maybe I should poke the Wikicite folks about this.)

Feel free to reopen once you've figured out where this should belong, and please remove the VisualEditor tag when you do that since my team won't be doing this. Thanks. :-)

Better? I don't think tags are necessarily about the people who will work on things? :)